File Your Taxes (Even if You Aren’t Required to) and Claim Valuable Tax Credits and the 2023 Refund!
It’s tax season, and Get Ahead Colorado has tons of great information to help individuals and families learn about the tax credits* they might be eligible for and how to file their taxes for 2023.
This post summarizes some key information from Get Ahead CO. Visit their website for much more, including how to find free tax help, tax preparation services, legal assistance for tax-related issues and other free resources. Filing your taxes is easier than you might think!
Have a tax-related question? 2-1-1 Colorado has answers.
If you have a tax-related question, remember that 2-1-1 Colorado is a great resource to get connected to the support your family needs. You can visit the website, call (866) 760-6489, or text your zip code to 898-211 to get help in multiple languages, including Spanish.
Even if you aren’t required to submit a return, file your taxes to claim valuable tax credits and the 2023 refund!
Even if you don’t earn much income and are not required to file a tax return, it is likely that you qualify for some tax credits like the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit. It is especially likely that you qualify for tax credits if you have kids!
Also, for one year only (tax year 2023), eligible Coloradans can receive a refund of $800, or up to $1,600 for two qualified individuals filing jointly.
To claim money from the 2023 refund, the Child Tax Credit, or the Earned Income Tax Credit, you must file a tax return! Learn more about tax credits and the 2023 refund here.
Need help filing your tax return? Find a tax assistance site near you.
For free in-person help filing your tax return, you can visit a Colorado VITA/TCE near you (click here for a list of sites in Colorado).
You can also contact 2-1-1 by visiting, calling (866) 760-6489, or texting your zip code to 898-211 to find a tax assistance site. The Get Help section on Get Ahead CO’s website also lists many free resources and services for tax help.
If you have a disability, you may qualify for other tax deductions and credits.
As a person with a disability, you may qualify for certain tax deductions, income exclusions, and credits.
You may also qualify for special assistance completing your tax return, including assistance from an IRS office, a Colorado VITA site, or an AARP Tax Assistance site. Learn more about what help is available here.
Getting money from tax credits will not impact your eligibility for SNAP, WIC, TANF, or housing assistance.
Filing a tax return or receiving tax credit money will not impact any other benefits you might receive, like SNAP, WIC, TANF, or housing assistance.
*Tax credits can reduce the amount of tax you owe or can increase the amount of cash back you receive from your tax refund