Use These Materials to Promote the UPK Program

The materials on this page are designed to support child care and preschool providers in promoting their programs to families.

  • Each material is available in English and Spanish.
  • Materials are organized in Google Folders for easy access.
  • At the links provided for each material, you will see two folders: Print and Digital.
    • Use the version in the “Print” folder for printing — it’s higher resolution.
    • If you plan to email the PDF, link it from your website, or share it on social media, use the version from the “Digital” folder.

If you would like printed copies of any of these materials, Triad Bright Futures may be able to provide them. Please contact Cecy Carballo at

This fact sheet describes the benefits of family child care homes for child care and preschool – small group sizes, consistent caregiver, mixed-age groups, etc. It has a QR code to JCCCA’s website, which can help families find a family child care home.


This material helps families understand the different types of programs they can choose for UPK, including a center, home-based program, school district program, etc.



This half-sheet flyer is designed to be printed, cut in half, and shared with families. The flyer includes a general overview of UPK with a link to the application for families and a QR code to the Triad Bright Futures website.


There are email templates that you can adapt and send to the families currently enrolled in your program to inform them about UPK.


This flyer clearly communicates to families that your program participates in UPK. It has a QR code to the Triad Bright Futures website and information about UPK for families.
