Partners for strong families and quality early childhood experiences

Children and communities thrive when parents and caregivers feel supported and have equitable access to resources and information.
The Bright Futures Roadmap is a community-wide strategy to support the health and well-being of the youngest children and families in our community. The Roadmap is organized around four key strategies, or cornerstones:
- Quality Early Care & Education
- Family Support & Home Visiting Programs
- Access to Mental Health Consultation & Support
- Screening, Assessment & Referral System
Four Cornerstones of the Bright Futures Roadmap
Quality Early Care & Education
Families have a variety of high-quality early care and education options that meet their needs, provided through a mixed-delivery system.
Family Support & Home Visiting Programs
Families are supported in their role as a child’s first and most important teacher with family support services that meet their diverse needs.
Access to Mental Health Consultation & Support
Families, child care programs, providers have access to mental health consultation to fully support the social-emotional development of children and mental health of adults.
Screening, Assessment & Referral System
A robust screening, assessment, and referral system that works to address physical, social-emotional, behavioral, and social determinants of health.