Cornerstone 3: Access to Mental Health Consultation & Support

Families, child care programs, providers have access to mental health consultation to fully support the social-emotional development of children and mental health of adults.

three primary strategies

Build Public Awareness

Build public awareness of the importance and value of supporting the social-emotional health of young children and their families.

ECMH Consultant Workforce

Recruit, retain, and support qualified infant and early childhood mental health consultants.

Ensure Access & Availability

Ensure the availability of mental health consultants for all types of child-serving settings.

Advancing Strategies 1, 2 and 3 - Raising Awareness, Supporting the ECMH Workforce, Ensuring Access & Availability

Goal 1: Build public awareness for mental health consultation to help our community: 1) understand what consultation is, 2) clarify the difference between prevention and intervention, and 3) demystify systems and services for families. Elevate experiences of and reduce harm to Spanish speaking families.

  • Enhance content on all pages of mental health resources on the Triad Bright Futures website.
  • Launch social media campaign to build awareness about the importance of social emotional development and mental health consultation. Leverage Bright Futures Roadmap partnerships across cornerstones to amplify messaging.

Goal 2: Strengthen internal mental health consultant relationships to improve connections and reduce stress.

  • Create mental health consultant “hub” with program and contact information, calendar of parenting group offerings, resources and trainings.
  • Explore coordinated funding for trainings.
  • Host summer event to invite new organizations and community members to the Cornerstone 3 workgroup.

Goal 3: Every parent has access to the right fit, culturally responsive parenting support groups they need at the time they need it through better coordinated offerings across the county. Ensure the ability to easily refer to other parenting support programs if spaces fill and increase loop closure on referrals.

  • Create a county calendar of parenting support groups (Circle of Security, Incredible Years, Flip IT, Nurturing Parenting Program, Fatherhood Program, and Circle of Parents), maintained on the mental health consultant “hub” that includes capacity and populations served. Work together to fill gaps so that families can access parenting support when they need it.

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