Cornerstone 3: Access to Mental Health Consultation & Support

The Bright Futures Roadmap is a community-wide strategy to support the health and well-being of our community’s youngest children and families. The Roadmap is organized around four cornerstones or key strategies. Partners have begun to identify opportunities for cross-cornerstone collaboration.

CORNERSTONE 4: A robust screening, assessment, and referral system that works to address physical, social-emotional, behavioral, and social determinants of health.

Cornerstone 4 has three primary strategies, which you can read more about on this page:

  1. Create and implement coordinated early childhood development screening, assessment, and referral systems to provide the most appropriate services to each individual child.
  2. Create consumer-facing, cross-agency data-sharing technology solutions to improve families’ connection to community supports and work more efficiently across agencies.
  3. Create a coordinated early childhood navigation system (processes, infrastructure, staff).

Strategy 1

Create and implement coordinated early childhood development screening, assessment, and referral systems to provide the most appropriate services to each individual child.

2023-2024 Partner Activities

  • Early Intervention eligibility evaluations have transitioned to DDRC.
  • Connection to pediatric practices and childcare providers was discussed as a possible focus area during Bright Futures kickoff convening.
    • OPPORTUNITY: Connect to Cornerstone 2 on outreach to pediatric partners.
  • Home visitation programs are conducting social-emotional development screenings. Screening referrals are happening via Bilingual Family Navigator. 
    • OPPORTUNITY: Connect to Cornerstone 2.
  • Jeffco Public Schools uses the SSIS SEL Brief Scales Preschool Assessment for all preschool students.

Strategy 2

Create consumer-facing, cross-agency data sharing technology solutions to improve families’ connection to community supports and work more efficiently across agencies.

2023-2024 Partner Activities

  • Healthy Jeffco Technology Action Team is conducting a client interview project to understand the systems navigation challenges families face and what solutions, including tech, might improve connections to resources.
  • Visible Network Labs is developing the Jeffco Community Partner Relationship Management (CPRM) platform to maintain data on partnerships, collaborations, and initiatives. The goal of the project is to have a public-facing tool where anyone can look up information about organizations serving people in Jeffco, their services and resources, and how they are already connecting with others to implement this work.

Strategy 3

Create a coordinated early childhood navigation system (processes, infrastructure, staff).

2023-2024 Partner Activities

  • Jeffco Resource Navigators group has been meeting consistently to share resources and navigation best practices. The Triad Bright Futures Navigator has joined this group and will collaborate on outreach to families with young children.
    • OPPORTUNITY: Connect with Cornerstone 1, 2 and 3 for promoting resources.