Cornerstone 4: Screening, Assessment & Referral System
A robust screening, assessment, and referral system that works to address physical, social-emotional, behavioral, and social determinants of health.
three primary strategies
Coordinated Systems
Create and implement coordinated early childhood development screening, assessment, and referral systems to provide the most appropriate services to each individual child.
Technology Solutions
Create consumer-facing, cross-agency data-sharing technology solutions to improve families’ connection to community supports and work more efficiently across agencies.
Navigation System
Create a coordinated early childhood navigation system, including processes, infrastructure, staff, etc.
Advancing Strategy 2 - Consumer-facing technology solutions to improve families’ connection to community supports
Goal 1: Convene families and organizations who have expressed interest in implementing at least one of solutions generated from the Healthy Jeffco Alliance Technology Action Team’s client interview project. This project gathered data around systems navigation challenges families face when accessing care, particularly having to share their information over and over. Read the project report HERE. Actionable solutions include:
- Increased use of peer navigators
- Reduction of unnecessary information collection
- Leveraging technology to improve data sharing (e.g., universal consent, My Chart, a phone app for consent)
- Shifting provider focus from role specific to patient centered